About me:

Born in Shreveport Louisiana, I spent every summer growing up visiting my extensive family scattered along the Gulf coast of Florida, where I learned to love the ocean, coastal ecosystems, animals and time spent near them. This incessant interest with nature led to me spending a lot of time in it - alone or with family and friends, and what came with that were experiences that I could not explain to anyone and do them any justice. Incredible sunsets, confounding cloud formations, terrifying storms, bizarre plants, animals preying and being predated on. All of these types of experiences gave me a deeper and deeper appreciation for nature and passion for keeping it wild and healthy.

So I took up photography as a way to share my experiences in the hopes that others will be more likely to see nature for themselves, develop their own love for it and hopefully realize that preserving it is something that everyone should value. I want to see as much of the world, as many of the plants and animals and environments that it has to offer while they still exist, and hopefully do my part to make sure they stay a little longer.


I combined my love for nature with my desire to show it to others, and what evolved from that was a media business. I provide media services mostly in the travel/outdoor/adventure/sports space, though I shoot for assorted small businesses as well. This includes product, action sports, and lifestyle photography and videography mostly for businesses and brands in those spaces. In water and out of the water. I also do personal and corporate events, concerts/ music events, destination weddings and random freelance, real estate photography/videography photo, video, and drone work.

What sets me apart is that I am able to showcase products being used the way they are meant to be used because I only shoot products that I would use. Time and practice slowly gives you a better eye for a shot or a look, but I think the realest part about shooting for a brand is making sure that it is a brand and product that you believe in and value.